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Planning Tips

Totty Law Group > Planning Tips

What to Expect During Your Free Consultation with Life Counsel & Planning

At Life Counsel & Planning, we offer a free initial in-person or online consultation to provide you with a basic understanding of our services while giving us a chance to meet you and review your goals. This meeting is simply a conversation that provides the framework for tailoring the estate plan that addresses your unique needs. What to Bring During this first meeting it is very helpful if you would bring the following documents: Previous Estate Planning Documents. If you already have a will, power of attorney and trusts in place, it is helpful for us to review these documents. Financial Documents....

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The Pitfalls of “DIY” Estate Planning

The independence of do it yourself, or “DIY,” is a point of pride for some people and keeps businesses like Home Depot and Lowes profitable. While some home improvement activities can safely be done by the average person, others, such as plumbing and electrical work, really need professional expertise. Without that expertise, you may spend more fixing the problems caused by DIY efforts than you would have spent if you had hired a professional from the beginning. The same is true for estate planning. While there are hundreds of online sites that offer basic legal estate planning documents, there is no one...

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Tips for Adults Speaking with Their Parents about Estate Planning

Estate planning conversations are tricky. Most people don’t want to discuss end-of-life issues or money, and estate planning encompasses both. While these conversations are uncomfortable, they are necessary so that adult children understand their parents’ expectations and decisions regarding long term care, asset distribution, and more. There are several ways to have this conversation and make it as productive and comfortable as possible. Don’t Delay Life is unpredictable and delaying this conversation leaves you, your siblings, and parents vulnerable to legal and financial challenges that could have been avoided. Now is an especially good time to have a conversation about estate...

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